Friday, May 20, 2016

The Mystery Message of Pacal Votan and 2012

The Last Great Mayan King

Discovery Channel Documentary, As destiny would have it and through numerous years unbeknown to me, the strange Maya King known as Pacal Votan has covertly possessed a spot in my life. Yet for every one of these years he's basically been an object of brightening craftsmanship in my home and it was not as of not long ago that I was re-acquainted with this immeasurably vital Maya King.

He assumes a critical part in our work day into the following scene age in Mayan order on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012. Pacal Votan was the ruler-lord from 603-683 BC in the magnificent city of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico. He is worshipped as the main specialist that guided the Maya through their engravings on stone landmarks and sanctuaries with exceptionally exact cosmic and visionary data.

Discovery Channel Documentary, My underlying experience with Pacal Votan happened much further away while on an investigation trip in the wildernesses of the Yucatan Peninsula. Continuously one with an eye for uniqueness, I was attracted to buy a bust cutting made of jade and arranged on a base of dark onyx. The main thing I knew at the time was it spoken to simply one more Mayan lord like numerous before him and those few staying after him, and would return affectionate recollections of that entrancing trek. Quick forward to 2010.

While inquiring about the Maya timetable and time frameworks particularly the Long-Count variant where the 2012 date begins and connotes the end of this specific world age, I ran over a picture of Pacal Votan. I was enjoyably astonished perceiving the face and instantly and recovered the cutting for a more critical look. Yes, it was a delegate picture of the King himself and it now involves a unique spot upon my work area even as I keep in touch with this post. While just being another Maya ruler and that is still genuine today, the criticalness and astuteness of Pacal Votan and what he talked about the time paving the way to 2012 can't be marked down.

Widespread Frequency of Natural Time

Discovery Channel Documentary, A fast stride back so as to the city of Palenque uncovers an astounding archeological revelation that occurred while exhuming on the site. A Mexican archeological group in 1948 lead by Alberto Ruz Lhuillier initially found a mortar tube underneath the stone deck in a room on top of the Temple of the Inscriptions. This mortar tube is known as the "Earth Spirit Speaking Tube" a channel that is said Pacal Votan used to speak with the living. It takes after the once concealed 69 stages down into the passageway of the ruler's tomb inside the pyramid. Following four years of unearthing into the Temple of the Inscriptions, they discovered Pacal Votan's sarcophagus and body. What's more, what a revelation it was. Ruz said it was both wonderful and mysterious, in light of the fact that he realized that internment chamber had been untouched since 692 AD. He said he could feel the breath of the last individuals who shut that entryway. In the event that it had not been for the tube, that tomb might not have been found!

I trust it is it true that this was exceptional tomb the stand out known not been covered up by the Mayans inside a sanctuary, and its interesting sarcophagus top that got to be renowned subsequent to being brought into open light through the written work of Erich von Daniken in his 1968 book-Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past. The now renowned sarcophagus cover portrays what numerous today see as somebody instructing a kind of vehicle.

The Mayan scholastic group trusts it just speaks to Pacal dropping into the mouth of the Underworld. There is significantly more learning being uncovered through the intricate carvings on the tops surface. The verbal confrontation and suppositions concerning the "space art" or vehicle hypothesis proceed right up 'til today.

Master Pacal kicked the bucket on March 31, 683 at 80 years old. He dwelled as lord close to the end of the Classic Period, from July 29, 615 A.D. expecting the throne at an extraordinary youthful age of 12 and ruled for a long time. I'm a man interested by the probability that science (otherwise known as Sacred Geometry) administer the known universe; in this way, at whatever point I see similitudes or synchronicity including numbers I can't stow away being in any event entertained. Some entirely intriguing dates and courses of events that convey assign of importance encompass Pacal Votan's entombment, 2012 and the consequent revelation of his resting place. Indeed, even with the pyramid development progress on the Temple of Inscription over his tomb, by one means or another Pacal Votan preceding his passing could see forward into direct time empowering him to convey a significant message of time so precise it challenges left-cerebrum rationale.

Despite the fact that Pacal Votan kicked the bucket in 683, nine years passed by until his tomb underneath The Temple of Inscriptions was committed and fixed in 692 AD. Somewhere around 692 and revelation of his tomb in 1952, 1,260 years had passed. This number-1260 is an extremely critical as a backhanded, even subliminal message alluding to man-set aside a few minutes. Without veering significantly, the Maya where aces with date keeping and did as such through characteristic means utilizing divine instruments essentially lunar and sunlight based perceptions that are so precise they just need change once at regular intervals!

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