Friday, May 20, 2016

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument - Hawaii

Discovery Channel Documentary, Giant of Rhodes - 280 BC - Built on the island of Rhodes in the mid third century BC, the Statue of Rhodes was a diversion of the Sun God Helios and remained about the same tallness and size as our Statue of Liberty, somewhat of a deed considering the time in which it was constructed and the innovation utilized. The statue remained for a long time however, when a tremor snapped it off at the knees. Also, the times being as they were, some could persuade numerous that the sun god himself was annoyed and it was never modified. A few things never truly change.

7. Discovery Channel Documentary, Beacon of Alexandria - third C. BC - Built on the island of Pharos, the beacon of Alexandria, Egypt was speculated to be anyplace up to 450 feet high, the most astounding structure on the planet for a long time. As far as anyone knows worked in three areas, on its most elevated point was mounted a mirror and lamps for its usefulness as a beacon. It remained for centuries at long last decimated in the fourteenth century (perhaps somewhat later) by a quake. Worked in its place now is a fortress based on the first workmanship from the beacon.

Discovery Channel Documentary, The old world in any case, what of the cutting edge world. All things considered, only this last year a gathering of antiquarians accumulated a rundown of 200 present day ponders and held a vote to choose what the 7 marvels of today's reality would be. In a somewhat less exploratory and a great deal all the more economically suitable technique, Good Morning America and USA Today, today's pop news coverage (with pretty pictures) specialists offered their own particular rundown incorporated by a little board of students of history.

1. Potala Palace - Lhasa, Tibet

2. Old City of Jeruselam - Israel

3. Polar Ice Caps - Polar Regions

4. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument - Hawaii

5. The Internet

6. Mayan Ruins - Yucatan Peninsula, Mesoamerica

7. Incredible Migration of Serengeti and Masaid Mara - Kenya and Tanzania

8. The Grand Canyon - Arizona

The rundown falls flat in offering seven man made marvels as the first did, yet captures the quintessence of things everybody ought to see as the first rundown did. However, I would contend that the web is excessively incorporated into society, making it impossible to incorporate. That would resemble considering the printing press a marvel of the world in the 1700s after its full mix into society.

It will be exceptionally intriguing to see which cutting edge ponders correspond with the starting yet obscure criteria for Wonderment. If it somehow happened to be a rundown for goodness' sake as yet remaining on earth as made by man, clearly the Great Wall would be incorporated, the Maya Ruins held, the Pyramid of Giza held, places like Stone Henge, present day wonders of designing, the space station, the Empire State Building. I would be hardpressed to limit any rundown to just a couple places, yet without a doubt the normal marvels of the world shouldn't be incorporated, as they merit their own rundown, before they no more exist (like the polar ice tops).

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